2022 Webinar Retreat

Self-compassion in the Sandtray

How to love yourself
what you do
and your clients
in 3-simple steps 

Let’s face it. Being a therapist in 2022 is beyond hard. You’re burned out from the past 2 years of ALL THE THINGS and trudge through your day, hoping you’re making a difference. But here’s the thing, at the end of the day you have NOTHING left to give to anyone, and the thought of “loving yourself” sounds as foreign as no paperwork!


You’re not alone; nothing’s wrong with you. This is plain HARD.

But, it doesn't have to be

When you put sandtray therapy into your practice, you get a magic tool that works with every client every time WITHOUT a ton of prep work (no worksheets to copy, no flip-charts to buy). It’s just YOU, your client, and your sandtray.

While we, as therapists, encourage grace and softness to our clients, we have difficulty making the leap to ourselves.

But how does sandtray help with loving yourself AND what you do?

The answer:


That's why I've created this webinar retreat just for you!

In this short training you'll learn how sandtray therapy can highlight the need for self-compassion in your life and provide a way to allow clients to experience the concept in the here and now, through an embodied experience.

When you attend this FREE training, you’ll leave feeling refreshed and confident that you CAN do this thing called life (thank you Prince.)

Are you wondering, what do i get amy?

What is self-compassion? Why does it matter? How do you practice it

(3 simple steps)

How to transfer this concept into your sandtray practice

(15 directives to use self-compassion)

What happens after you GET this for yourself and your clients

(what life looks like after - hint: it’s full of joy and small moments of peace).

Sound like something you’d like for yourself???

Sign up with the blue box below to get the workbook, a chance to win prizes, and all other goodies we have coming your way before the FREE online training.

Here's the details

WHEN: August 28, 2022 @ 6pm Central

WHERE: In the FREE Facebook group: The Sandtray Movement

WHY: To experience the fun of therapy and love what you do AGAIN.

Sign up now so you can get all of the pre-training goodies!

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