Sandtray Suite is only open for a limited time.
Hurry, join before time runs out!
Sandtray Suite is only open for new signups 8-days a year.
Hurry, join before time runs out!
Sandtray Suite
The only sandtray training program created EXCLUSIVELY to give you confidence, clarity, and community without leaving your couch
Dear Struggling Sandtray Therapist
You are tired.
You’re wondering if you can keep doing this telehealth thing day in and day out, keep showing up for your clients and still just get through the day.
You love sandtray but struggle with knowing what to do, what to bring into your office, how to say the powerful magic phrases that will help your clients heal. What would it be like if you felt you had a tool that would not only help your clients heal but also give you hope as a therapist on those darkest telehealth days?
I’m betting the thought of that sends a rush of ephorpian that tells you that maybe it’s not all hopeless after all.
"The best thing that happened to me this year is joining this group"

But maybe you're wondering if this REALLY is for you?
Maybe you've never done sandtray before? Sandtray Suite is the perfect place because you will learn the foundational knowledge of sandtray and the exact steps for implementing it into your own practice, without wondering if you’re doing it right or learning all that you need.
Maybe you’ve been doing sandtray for a bit now, but you want MORE. You want more confidence, want to use it with different groups of clients, or you just want confirmation that what you’re doing is right.
Or maybe you’re a sandtray fanatic and already use it all the time with your clients, but you want to KEEP geeking out about sandtray therapy with fellow nerds and help others on their sandtray journey as well.
If this is you, then you're in the right place -
The Sandtray Suite is YOUR Community
Aimee Bradley, Counselor, LMHC, AAS
When you learn sandtray therapy through

You get a step-by-step process to learn the what, why and how of working in the sandtray with ALL ages and populations.
Sandtray therapy is your ‘get-out-of-jail-free’ card with ALL of your clients.
No longer will you just know how to implement this powerful, brain-based tool in your practice, but you’ll know the WHY through the lens of neuroscience.
You get to walk into each session feeling confident that you’ve got this and that you have a method of working with all clients, even for those who have trauma that just can’t be called into words.

Elizabeth Smith, LPC, NCC
Ready to join our community and start YOUR sandtray journey?
What is Sandtray Suite, and how does it work?
The Sandtray Suite is an online membership training program for sandtray therapists so they can increase their confidence and clarity in sandtray sessions, even in the challenging world of telehealth.
Gwendolyn Blake MA, Ed.S., LPC, MFT, SAC
Before we talk details and deliverables, let’s talk about how your life will be different AFTER joining the Sandtray Suite
When you become a member of the Sandtray Suite, you’ll be able to:
"Thank you Amy for making it simple, in particular the trauma section which explains the ANS, right and left brain, and how the brain says no, polyvagal theory and neuroception. I will be going through some of them again."
- Shieva Alipour
“I am extremely happy with the Sandtray Suite. I have been provided with a wealth of information and am more confident providing therapy to clients. When I found you on the internet I was shocked to learn what a valuable tool sandtray is and how it works. I have learned about documentation and so much more! Thank you!!”
- Sally Sierra
Ok, now for how this works
What you get in the Sandtray Suite to guide you through each step of your sandtray journey.

First up, you get: 5 Core modules
Sandtray tools
Get a complete guide of all the things you need for YOUR population including sand, miniatures, and even the sandtray.
Processing like a Pro
What to say, when to say it, and how to facilitate healing for all ages.
Knowing the Why and the Neuroscience Behind the Power of Sandtray
Never feel like you’re ‘just playing in the sand’ - Know the WHY and purpose from a brain-based perspective.
Sandtray Therapy with Children
How to help the littles heal, what to say/do and how to interpret their behavior even when they don’t have words.
Sandtray Therapy with Adults
No more feeling scared or intimidated by adults. Get a complete guide, including quick tips for what to do when adults give you push back, don’t seem to ‘get it’ or only put a few things in the tray.
Each module contains 7-8 short videos that you can put into your practice RIGHT AWAY, giving you that confidence boost ASAP!
"I have had so many “Ah Ha” moments since I began this journey. I think the biggest accomplishment for me is to see how much healing takes place in the sand trays with each of my clients. I use the sandtrays for my children as young as 4 all the way to the age of senior citizen. This technique has allowed me to reach so many who could not helped by others."
- Michele Hairston
All trainings are recorded so you can watch at your own pace,
even in-between clients or in the car online.
These 5 Core Modules Make up the:
Sandtray Success Path™
As you can see, the Sandtray Suite Success Path is a circle, meaning that we believe in continual learning and spiral knowledge.
Spiral learning refers to the fact that you often need to hear things multiple times in multiple ways to really let it sink in and implement it. You don't have to repeat any modules, but folks often do as a refresher or reminder especially when learning some of those nitty-gritty neuroscience concepts.
Again, the Sandtray Suite Success Path is just another way that we ensure you don’t get lost, feel overwhelmed, or unsure at any time on your sandtray journey. It’s your roadmap for sandtray success.
Maybe you’re thinking, great Amy, but what else have you got for me??

New trainings / cheatsheets / demonstrations each week
Even after you finish the core modules, you’ll get NEW information each week featuring a guest expert (or a training by yours truly) to help bring together different ways of working in the sand, theories, and populations with the sandtray.
Not only will you get a new training, but we also provide you with extra materials to reduce the friction between learning and implementing the new trainings in your sandtray.
Think handouts of directives, processing prompts, cheatsheets, demonstrations, etc
We do all of the work to help you put the new information into your sandtray practice as quickly and effortlessly as possible.
Some of our past topics include:
And many more....
When you join the Sandtray Suite, you’ll gain access to the training vault of over 3 years worth of past monthly trainings, not to mention all of the new trainings moving forward!
A thriving, supportive world-wide sandtray community
Members of the Sandtray Suite program have access to a private, members-only Facebook group, the Sandtray Suite Penthouse. Within this group, you’ll become part of a supportive community who geeks out about sandtray therapy and cheers on your progress in sandtray.
A common refrain echoed repeatedly from our current members is that they ‘Joined for the training but stay for the community’
"I am really enjoying the Sandtray Suite! I work in an office with seven other therapists, and I am the only one who uses sandtray, so I did not have anyone to bounce thoughts off or get suggestions from. This has been so very helpful for me!"
- Cathy Kleinshmit
Do you have questions we can help you with??
Check out this recent question from one of our community members.

Miniatures mailed to your doorstep!
When you join the Sandtray Suite PLUS program (our most popular option hands-down), you’ll get a themed box of miniatures mailed to your doorstep each quarter.
Each miniature box contains between 8-10 miniatures as well as a self-care item for you (because we know therapists are HORRIBLE at self-care!)
Our miniature boxes are curated by yours truly and our Southern Sandtray team to provide you with unique and timely miniatures.
Our miniature boxes quickly become the bright part of any day and clients love spying the new addition in your collection!
Check out some of the previous boxes below:
So maybe you’re wondering,
how much is this going to cost me, Amy?
Good News - I bet a lot less than you would think!
Here's a quick break-down of all that you get with each program as well as the price difference
Sandtray Suite
(USD) Monthly
Sandtray Suite PLUS
Most Popular
(USD) Monthly
($65USD Monthly for International Members)
just for joining
We’ll send you the exclusive, members-only Sandtray Suite t-shirt right to your doorstep FOR FREE.
Consider it our way of welcoming you to our community of #miniaturejunkies.
It’s another way to say, you’re at home here - welcome to our tribe.
You can cancel at any time
think of it like “Netflix for Sandtray Therapists”
Of course, we hope you don’t leave us - in fact, most people stay well over a year
(and many more for several years!)
Just as a quick comparison
Just as a quick comparison
How much have you paid to sit in a cold, sterile hotel room for 6 hours to learn practically NOTHING that has to do with WHAT YOU DO EVERY DAY? (Yes, I know it’s $$$ - I’ve been there myself!)
I’m betting more than the price of the Sandtray Suite 😊
And with the Sandtray Suite, you get not just learning, but having FUN, making connections with others, and while receiving cool miniatures mailed right to your door!
Sandtray Therapy is right for you, RIGHT NOW
You may be thinking, “Okay Amy, I see what you are saying, but I’m in the middle of a pandemic right now and don’t even have access to my miniatures. Plus, I’m feeling so burned out and overwhelmed I can’t do one more thing.”
I get it - I’ve been there (and am STILL there sometimes, tbh).
But - all of these reasons that you may be listing in your head right now are the exact same REASONS that Sandtray Suite is right for you RIGHT NOW.
Now is the time
When you need community. Isolation leads to burn out and feeling lost, and we’re all feeling a bit of that isolation right now. You need a group of therapists who get it, who can be there for you during good times and bad, and someone who can guide you through the chaos of it all.
Now is the time
You need a system to work through - not just how to move from online to in person and then back to online - but also a guide that gets it and is rooting for you, wherever you are on the journey.
Now is the time
To invest in YOURSELF and your future. If the past year has taught us anything, it’s that we need to be able to pivot and use our knowledge in different ways to facilitate healing for our clients. Education and investing in yourself is something that can never be taken away from you and will only help you grow both personally and professionally.
But what makes me, litl’ ol’
Amy Flaherty Hood from Arkansas
worthy of being your guide on your sandtray journey?
There are many reasons why I’m qualified to hold your hand on your sandtray path, but I’ve distilled it down to the most important 3:
I’ve been where you are.
Before finding sandtray therapy, I felt burned out and just, well, not enough.
I was working hard but something was missing to help my clients really heal. Then I discovered sandtray therapy and it changed everything.
I went from being burned out + almost quitting the profession to building a thriving group private practice where I get to CHOOSE who I work with.
Through my practice, wounds are healed and lives are impacted, making a huge difference in the complete trajectory of my client’s lives, no matter their age or presenting issue.
Since falling in love with sandtray, I’ve trained thousands of sandtray therapists worldwide for nearly 10 years.
I train both in-person at my training center in Arkansas and also have the Sandtray Suite program, which is nearing its fifth birthday.
As a leader in the sandtray field and a founder of the non-profit credentialing organization International Association of Sandtray Therapy, my mission is to heal the healers through providing you with brain-based, practical sandtray trainings wherever you are in the world or on your sandtray journey.
SANDTRAY THERAPY WORKS. I believe in sandtray therapy 100%.
I’ve seen it work time and time again and continue to use it all the time with my clients.
I’m right there with you, experiencing the power and wonder of the healing that takes place with sandtray every single day - I’m just further down the path.
Because of this, I get the chance to act as your guide as you also become confident in your sandtray work.
Who better to geek out with about a cool miniature or be blown away by a client sandtray than someone who has dedicated her life to sandtray therapy?
But don't just take my word for it
- Check out Doreen -
Doreen Hills, LPC
Want to get mentorship, guidance, and a supportive community?
"I can imagine it is quite a process to get the miniatures to South Africa but I really want to thank you for going to the trouble to include us in the Sandtray Suite. I learn and grow so much from being in the community and joining the Sandtray Suite as one of my best decisions ever.
It helps me feel like I’m a part of a great community and I love your passion for the work we do. It always means so much when you meet other people with a similar passion to you, and like you say, you can “nerd out” together. I just LOVE IT!
So from my side of the world, I just want to say thank you, sincerely, for all that you do. It helps us change the world a bit at a time. You and Kim are so very appreciated!"
- Carryn Hennessy
Ready to gain confidence, clarity and community for your sandtray journey, even if you’re working from home?
Now is the time to join a thriving supportive community of like-minded sandtray therapists, who are just like you--struggling to figure it all out. Say goodbye to isolation. Say hello to confidence and success in your sandtray sessions.
Still wondering if Sandtray Suite is right for you?
Check out what these sandtray therapists from around the world have to say about their experience...
See how Tonya has implemented sandtray in her practice over the YEARS she’s been a member of The Sandtray Suite
The Sandtray Suite is only open for 8 days PER YEAR.
Yep, that’s it - the rest of the year we spend serving and supporting our members. So, if you’re on the fence about any of it, know that NOW is the time.
After the clock strikes midnight on the 16th, the doors clang shut for 3 more months.
The bottom line: If you’re reading this and enrollment is OPEN, it’s your sign to join now.
When that timer hits 00:00:00:00, I don’t want you to be left out of our amazing community, kicking yourself and feeling FOMO as the rest of our new members start their Sandtray Suite sandtray journey.
Don't wait - join us before the timer reaches zero!
Have more questions? We have answers…
No, the format of the Sandtray Suite does not lend well to CE’s. We feel our information can stand up to any CE training - it’s the format that doesn’t align with the CE gods.
YES! We not only have LOTS of tools for telehealth, but more importantly I walk you through ALL the things you need to know to heal through sandtray, no matter if you’re in person or online.
YES! Think of it like ‘Netflix for Sandtray Therapist.’ However, most people don’t - the community and the learning quickly become a staple of any sandtray practice.
We’ll refund your payment within the first 30 days.
If you dive into the membership and in the span of 30 days, you don’t have more confidence in your sandtray practice and know how to help your clients heal more effectively and quickly, you deserve to have your money back into your bank account.
After the 30 days are up, you can simply cancel at any time if you decide that Sandtray Suite is not a good fit for you. But, we predict that Sandtray Suite will quickly become such a valuable part of your life that you won’t imagine doing sandtray without this invaluable resource.
Yes! The beauty of sandtray is that it can be used across the lifespan. I teach you what to look for and the themes for each age, as well as how to process what is happening.
After joining, you’ll get a log-in for the Sandtray Suite, where all of the trainings will be housed on the website. All are pre-recorded so you can watch when you have time.
Whatever you would like it to be. The beauty is that you can binge all the videos Bridgerton-style or you can consume as you have time. All of the videos are concise and to the point since no therapists have time just laying around
It’s a perfect starting point. You get all of the basics, a supportive community and at a price that won’t break the bank. It’s the best way to dip your toes in the sand without leaving your home.
While we don’t allow specific feedback in the Facebook group (you know... HIPAA), you can submit your questions to Amy and she will answer them through her Q&A’s in a way that gives you what you need but protects the innocent
As long as you pay the monthly fee. Again, you can cancel at any time but we hope you won’t!
Yes. This will no doubt cover some of the things you learned in basic sandtray but you’ll get so much more in depth, varied resources, as well as allll the neuroscience, which likely wasn’t covered in your sandtray class.
Money Back Guarantee
Not satisfied with the Sandtray Suite? We’ll refund your payment within the first 30 days.
If you dive into the membership and in the span of 30 days, you don’t have more confidence in your sandtray practice and know how to help your clients heal more effectively and quickly, you deserve to have your money back into your bank account.
After that, you can simply cancel at any time if you decide that Sandtray Suite is not a good fit for you. But, we predict that Sandtray Suite will quickly become such a valuable part of your life that you won’t imagine doing sandtray without this invaluable resource.
You don’t have to feel burned out and wonder how you will make those breakthroughs with clients.
Join us and learn the step-by-step Sandtray Suite success path that will guide you towards renewal, hope, and the wonder that you get to do this job.
Join now. We’re waiting for you.