20 Things Only Sandtray Therapists Will Recognize
Being a sandtray therapist is awesome for so many reasons.
A LOT of people just don\’t get what makes it the best but if you\’re a sandtray therapist, you get it.
And I bet you\’ll get some of these below as well.
So, without further a-do, here\’s 20 things you\’ll only get if you\’re a sandtray therapist!!
1 Sleeping in on a Saturday morning, knowing that you\’ll get the good stuff and the little trinkets for a super cheap. You love the stuff that everyone else has rummaged through.
2. Ordering the kids meal menu just for the little toy.
3. Buying girl stuff to play with when you have only boys living at your house.
4. Justifying your purchases with I can use it for work AND your kids.
5. The beauty of having your children/grandchildren get tired of little toys so you swipe them up.
6. Walking into a gas station out-of-state and seeing 80% off statues of local sites.
7. When you\’re on the toy aisle looking at horses, and your oldest granddaughter informs the younger one that they are for sandtray.
8. It\’s like it\’s Christmas morning when you\’re fact lights up because you\’ve found a small empty bird nest and its 75% off!
9. You almost have a mouth-watering feeling driving past thrift stores, wanting to go inside to find all the unique miniatures that everyone else assumes is just junk.
10. Walking into your grandmother\’s house seeing all of her figurines and eye-balling them for your collection.
11. You go into the toy section of every store no matter where you are or what store it is.
12. Getting home and realizing you have sand everywhere – your pant legs, hair, and even eyebrows!
13. \”Borrowing\” your child\’s toys for your miniature collection.
14. When there\’s sand in everything you own….and you\’re perfectly fine with it.
15. Everywhere you go, you\’re unconsciously looking for tiny versions of anything.
16. The check-out lady looking at you weird because you\’re buying 20 of the same item, all because they\’re on clearance and you know your fellow sandtray therapists will love them.
17. Having your brother tell you \”it\’s for the kids\” when he sees you starting at your nephews new little car they brought back from England.
18. The frustration and insult you feel when someone just doesn\’t get it and says \”Huh, you\’re just playing in the sand?\”
19. You\’ve had a hard day and realize you are unconsciously running your hands through the sand because you know it helps you relax and feel better almost instantly.
20. The beauty and pride (and even jealously) of well-ordered and well-stocked sandtray shelves.
August 21, 2017 @ 3:10 pm
Sand tray therapists never stop collecting!
August 21, 2017 @ 3:22 pm
These are great. Thoroughly enjoyed! I’m always searching online for anything other than an “I’m so happy and have the perfect life” dollhouse figures that are everywhere. So it’s only my sand tray friends who will understand my search history: “sad figurine”, “angry figurine”, “shame-filled figurine”. “petulant figurine”. Sometimes I get lucky and even find one!
August 22, 2017 @ 8:47 am
Loved these Amy! No 2 and no 9 are definitely me- much to the chagrin of my college-age sons and husband. They know part of our vacations incl my looking up all the local thrift shops and Goodwill for new treasures.
August 23, 2017 @ 1:55 pm
#13. My poor daughter