Through today's edition, you'll not only about experience inspiring, interesting stories but also add to your sandtray toolbox and hopefully gain even more inspiration about how miniatures can be used."
Today I'm tired. But. It's a wonderful, soul-filled tired. Yesterday, we finished up our first ICST Cohort of 2021 and 13 ladies put themselves out there - worked to learn new skills, embrace change, look at the not-so-pretty parts of themselves, AND connect to other like-minded sandtray therapists. It's a beautiful thing really. But, as a raging introvert, my battery gets DEPLETED from pouring everything I have into these amazing ladies. Others who know me well often wonder, "huh? -talking for 4 days sounds like your worst nightmare." I do it because it's my WHY. I was put here to usher other therapists into the belief that they are worth it and what they do changes lives. However, I have noticed my window of tolerance for being 'out there' has lessened in the last 18 months. Rather than push myself harder to do more and be more, I attempt to notice my limits, allow myself grace, and focus on those things that give me life. So, in today's Ally, you're going to get something a little different. With each article/story/video below, you'll see a a picture of a miniature along AND a directive that you could use with OR without the miniature picture. Through today's edition, you'll not only about experience inspiring, interesting stories but also add to your sandtray toolbox and hopefully gain even more inspiration about how miniatures can be used. Let's get to it shall we?? *All pictures of miniatures are linked - simply click on the picture to purchase* |

#1 We're in the middle of Mental Health Awareness Month. This article linked below asks (and answers) the question of "What IS good mental health?" As therapists, we are often take for granted the concept of positive mental health. However, the fact is that many (most) people have no concrete idea of what mental health actually entails. What Is Good Mental Health? This article is extremely helpful to provide clients with a LIST of characteristics of mental health. I LOVE it when I can provide links or handouts to clients, reinforcing skills learned in session. Miniature representing positive mental health: |
Directive for this miniature/topic:
Make a tray about one thing in your life that connects you to positivity in the world.
#2 Many of our clients simply don't have the emotional vocabulary to easily express themselves. When thinking of clients, you may assume that your younger clients are the ones who struggle with this. Not so. I've had professional, successful clients who struggle to name feelings beyond happy, sad, and mad.
Helping educate our clients with specific words for how they are feeling is a major step towards mental health.
This simple mental health glossary provides not just definitions but examples of many feelings that clients struggle to put into words.
Again, send this link or print it out for your clients so they can learn these higher level emotional vocabulary words
Miniature representing emotional vocabulary:

Directive for this miniature/topic: Divide the tray in half. On one side, make a tray about when you felt a negative feeling and then on the other make a tray about a time when you felt a positive feeling. *When processing, help your client name the negative or positive feeling with more precise vocabulary words. |
#3 What's your happiness score?
What is happiness and how do we increase this ever-elusive concept? This Ted Talk by Futurist Dominic Price allows us to follow along and quiz ourselves in four simple categories.
This short video is not one of "you need to do this" but rather it acts as a call to action for how we can do small things to build our overall happiness level, especially as we come out of lockdown.
Watch and complete your happiness score - so helpful for you AND your clients.
Miniature representing happiness and the happiness score:
Directive for this miniature/topic: Make a tray about what happiness looks like for you. *If needed, feel free to narrow the directive down to 3 things that represent happiness for that client. |
#4 The beauty, strength, and symbol of trees show up across cultures and within our own brain. Think of some of the first, most simple pictures that we draw as children - often time they involve trees and nature.
This beautiful, almost lyrical article features a children's book titled A Tree In Me.
This poem in book form illustrates how all tress are connected and how the character in the book can be like a tree and bend rather than break when the wind comes.
A wonderful resource for your own children and clients alike; it also acts as a reminder for all of us to point to our strengths as we have all struggled and called on inner strength over the past year and a half.
Miniature to represent this book:
Directive for this miniature/topic: Make a tray about the roots you have in your life that keep you stable, healthy, or just present. These can be in the form of people, animals or even ideas. |
#5 This is my FAVORITE video of this series - all about how we find our "why" even after difficult times. Thought leader Simon Sinek speaks about mental health and the effects of traumatic stress. When working with the ladies in the ICST cohort over the past several days, I noticed they came into training with feelings of despair, lack of connection, and general sadness. Of course, being a therapist is stressful in the best of times, but the pandemic has put extra stress on us all. Watch this video as Sinek talks frankly about his struggles with mental health - it provides a candid picture of what all of us went through in the midst of lockdown and its effects even now. How to discover your "why" even in difficult times Miniature to represent direction/your why |
Directive for miniature/topic: Build a tray about your place of "bliss," meaning a time in your life when you have felt completely at peace. *Encourage clients to be as detailed as possible, to help build solutions for clients |
Can you believe we are nearing the halfway point of 2021?!! I know me neither. To celebrate, I'm going to hide in my house for a few days, recharging my introvert battery by reading, watching 90 day finance, and just staring at the wall:) |
Hope you all are enjoying getting out and about and maybe even thinking about summer vacations! Talk soon, Amy P.S. The IAST has a HUGE announcement today at 1 pm CST - we're announcing our keynote for the 3rd annual Sandtray Summit happening in November at Disney Springs! Check out the Facebook page for my Facebook live on the IAST page! |