43rd Edition

What is the cause of our clients' ever-increasing stressors/issues??
A. 7 Planets are in retrograde
B. The global pandemic is STILL going on
C. Decreasing social support systems
D. Everything in the world - ALL OF THE THINGS!
Now, I'm betting this isn't a huge surpise to you - that people are doing worse mentally than before all of this started but the numbers really are staggering.
Cases of depression are up 28% and anxiety levels arose by 26% since the start of the pandemic.
The authors looked at studies on mental health across 204 nations and found this to be true for all. The authors also speculate that women fared worse than men because of an increase in child-care duties during the pandemic while maintaining employment.
I want to posit that it is likely connected to the fact that women have significantly higher ACE scores than men, which contributes to underlying risk factors and preexisting mental health issues, even before the pandemic.
Again, I provide you with this for you and your clients in an effort to feel less alone if you find yourself riding the struggle bus daily.
2. UNC cancels classes last Tuesday after two students commit suicide.
Never in my 40 years have I ever experienced colleges calling off school for an entire day to help support the mental health of everyone on campus, and I was in college during 9-11!
Our young clients are some of our most vulnerable clients, because of their developing brain and their great need for social connection. Given this fact, it seems that mental health may FINALLY be starting to be recognized as an extremely important part of being a functioning human.
Of course, it's the worst that all of these negative events have to occur for the stigma of mental illness to lessen, but we do need those in power everyone to recognize the importance of emotional health.
3. A 'second wave' of mental health devastation is at our heels
This past week, I was talking to one of my clients who is a nurse and has worked in hospitals since the beginning. She made an interesting comment to me - "You guys (therapists) are going to get it bad now. We (medical field) aren't doing well and so many of us have PTSD and just have not dealt so just get ready."
Of course, just like the other information I *knew* that in my head, but to have her state it so frankly and matter-of-fact somewhat took me aback.
Similar to the first article, this piece identifies the growing mental health issues across the globe, but states that Americans are not faring as well as other countries and that similar to the initial effects of the pandemic, this 'second wave' will be affecting those with less resources/minority groups/lower SES.
Again, I bring this up not to be a harbinger of doom but to help you remember that you aren't crazy - this is just REALLY HARD.
Now for some somewhat light-hearted and funny memes/tiktoks to make you laugh or maybe just shake your head in the 'yep, that's true' way:)
What it's like to be a therapist today: