Why Sandtray Trainings are Awesome- Part 2- The Detox
Sandtray trainings are awesome. The best. EVER.
Why is this absolutely the case?
In part 1– you learned about how sandtray trainings make for rich soil where friendships can begin and last for a long time after the class is finished. Sandtray trainings help form connections and allow us to feel that we are not alone in our therapy world. The more connections we make, the healthier we are.
Now for Part 2 of Why Sandtray Trainings are Awesome……
The Detox!
I\’ve often said that sandtray therapy is detox for the soul.
As it so happens, when you attend a sandtray training, you get to do your own work in the sandtray. This is part of your Work as a human and a therapist- to be a healthy person so you can help others.
As therapists, we often put everyone else first and ourselves last. Through sandtray trainings, you are allowed and even encouraged to focus on yourself and what YOU need through the sandtray. Many participants in the training will resist at first. But, by the end of the training, many talk about feeling lighter and recharged- ready to go back to work using the awesome skills they now have.
Sandtray training is part connection but also a huge part detox. It\’s cleaning off your mirror so you can hold up a clear reflection to your clients without getting your own stuff in there too.
With the pictures below, you can see the progression from my first sandtray during a week of sandtray training to my last tray (4 days later).

Feels different doesn\’t it?
It did to me too.
Just from looking at those two pictures, you can get a sense of the internal shifts that occurred in my soul through 4 days of sandtray training. Through the training, I was able to learn skills, connect to others, and practice self care. It doesn\’t get much better than that for this therapist.
If you are interested in attending a sandtray training, connect with me below in the comments or shoot me an email. Share any stories or pictures you have of your sandtray experiences as well.