Ya'll. I think we may be coming up on some actual HOPE.... .... *knocks on wood, throws salt over my shoulder, rubs rabbit foot, frames a four-leaf clover* 🙂 Not only is the weather starting to turn a little (yes we are back with just rain and my husband is starting his garden), we also seem to be at a turning point with his Pandemic (or as my teens say - the Panoramic, Pillow Fort, Panera, Panini). Cases are going down and things are starting to open up!
What this means for you - you can maybe get a vacation this year, see your grandparents, and YES, get back into your sandtray room! Without my sandtray room in my therapy practice, I feel like a one-armed paper-hanger in a wallpaper factory Although the world is starting to get brighter, we still need to be aware of the lingering effects of this prolonged stress and isolation has on our own bodies as well as our clients. With this kind of collective trauma, our bodies keep the score and we may still have trauma triggers that seem to come from nowhere or our general bandwidth for stress is just lower than it was in 2019. As a reminder, allow grace and space for yourself and your clients. As this New Yorker cartoon depicts, our world tends to gravitate towards the self-help and pick-yourself-up-by-the-bootstraps train of thought. While this can be helpful and motivational for some, when we are in dire situations (or our body is perceiving this as to be the case), surface, unsolicited advice is not helpful. What is helpful - sitting with yourself or your clients in the dark, holding space and saying "Yes, this hurts and it sucks and I'm here." BTW- Click on the picture below to find other forms of not helpful unsolicited advice 🙂 |
29th Edition | Sandtray Therapy Training | Southern Sandtray Institute
May 3, 2021 @ 1:25 pm
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