25th Edition

A lot has happened between the last time I wrote the Ally to ya'll and today.
When I look back on the last one, how did I feel so hopeful - almost naïve - and it was JUST TWO WEEKS AGO.
But, because we are sandtray therapists, and we believe in the power of hope and healing, we're going to focus on how we can honor those like Martin Luther King Jr, who worked tirelessly for healing across all peoples.
So, today, I will be silent for a bit and offer up what I have in the form of prayers, mediation, and service so that I may also interject love into all - my friends, family, clients, and even foes.
I invite you to do the same - to ponder today about what you can do to drive out hate with love.
In the vein of offering what I have to you as a sandtray therapist, I've included a handout from Carmen Jimenez Pride's training this past August in the Sandtray Suite.
In an effort to help all of our Suite members, we dedicated a whole month to learning more about how to engage African American children in the sandtray.
Carmen is a powerhouse in the play therapy and sandtray world so you would be wise to check out all of her trainings and resources by clicking on the link above.
One of the most important aspects of honoring all of our clients is to seek out those miniatures that look like our clients.
To help us do this, Carmen created a handout of the best places to get multicultural miniatures.
Click the blue button below to grab your copy.
Part of being a good sandtray therapist is being aware of how the world around us is affecting ourselves and our clients.
And because I know YOU are exhausted and overwhelmed with all of the things, I'm including some of the most important and helpful info I found around the web in the past two weeks.
- Wondering how to honor the legacy of MLK? This author suggests 9 ways you can do so
- Are you busier than ever with clients? Maybe you're feeling overwhelmed with clients feeling hopeless and triggered from the pandemic + all the political unrest. You're not alone. This article explains some of the experiences from therapists like you and possible reasons for the increase in therapy services
- On a lighter note - check out this TikTok creator's take on the crazy popular mini-brand craze. In this video, he opens some of the mini brands created to look like popular trends. Read to the bottom of this email to peep where you can score your own TikTok mini-brands.
- Speaking of VIRAL, I had an Instagram Reel go crazy over the weekend. Want to see what everyone (haha) is talking about? Click here. And follow me of course.
Ya'll. It's just 6 DAYS until the BRAND NEW TRAINING I'm doing Sunday, the 24th in the FREE Facebook group, The Sandtray Movement.
This training is all about trauma in the sandtray (focusing on trauma from 2020 and now), 3 ways shame shows up in the tray, miniatures you need, AND how to do online sandtray.
We already have almost 4,000 therapists signed up for this training and we're expecting at least 2,000 more.
I finished this training and ya'll, it's GOOD.
There's so much I'm giving you and I NEED to tell you that we'll likely go over the 1 hour, so just get ready.
AND? I'll be staying on as long as possible to answer all of your questions.
Make sure you're signed up by clicking the pretty AND informative (kinda like yours truly- HA!) graphic below.
Btw, this will be me at about 5:30 Sunday night so I'd love for ya'll to show up and share the love as I roll this new training out to you all!
Maybe you're new around here and aren't sure what 'The Suite Life' is....
....it's our members-only online membership program called the Sandtray Suite.
Here at Southern Sandtray, we have the world's ONLY membership program just for sandtray therapists.
The latest that's happening in the Suite life??
Drum-roll please.....
You're the FIRST to check out what was included in the January miniature box ONLY shipped to our Sandtray Suite Plus members.
Can you see the theme??
I LUV this box so much - many of the items were created our team at Southern Sandtray!
If you're wondering, the Sandtray Suite PLUS boxes are just a bonus to all of the other cool stuff we have going on inside the Sandtray Suite.
Coming up this month, we're learning all about couples in the sandtray and next month will be featuring using IFS to amplify your sandtray work.
And yes - all this great community from the comfort of your own mask-free home!
Think this sounds cool and want in?
We'll be rolling out the red carpet for all of you wanting to get in on the Sandtray Suite at the end of the training on Sunday.
Doors will only be open for 4 days and then we'll be slamming them shut for another 6 months while we get to work welcoming all of the hundreds of new members!
One more thing about trainings - and I'm including this again because you all are requesting this info 🙂
ICST Trainings + Sandtray Suite open enrollment happening January 24, 2021.
We only open enrollment for our ICST trainings once a year and only twice for the online membership program, The Sandtray Suite.
For the ICST program (where you complete training for your sandtray credential), we only have 10 spots each for the 2 cohorts opening on the 24th.
The dates for the in-person portion of the training are
Cohort 1:
May 12-16, 2021 (Levels 1 & 2)
November 10-14, 2021 (Levels 3 & 4)
Cohort 2
June 9-13, 2021 (Levels 1 and 2)
December 1-6, 2021 (Levels 3 and 4)
Again, we'll be opening enrollment on January 24, 2021 for the two cohorts.
Prices include 2 meals per day and lodging + ALL the sandtray trainings and extra stuff.
To check out even more about all the details click below
Wow, we did it - another edition of the Sandtray Ally!
It's our 25th btw, which means that the Ally can rent a car AND finally has it's pre-frontal cortex online - haha (a little therapist humor for you, I know, I'm hilarious!)
See you on the inside,
P.S. All of our multicultural miniatures are 18% OFF ONLY today at Miniature Madness. Click the link below to check out our offerings - there's some cool ones but we only have a few left in stock. So, if you see something you like, put it in your cart TODAY while the sale is ON!
And the answer to your question of where I can grab the TikTok minis is....
you can't!
The creator made the mock minis as a joke to poke-fun at all of the videos of just unwrapping little toys:)