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Sandtray and the Subconscious

Sandtray therapy is powerful. It can allow people to make connections and see insights that they struggled with for years ...

6 Tips to Become a Sandtray Whisperer

This past weekend several of my play therapy friends and I gathered for a playdate to catch up and also ...

5 Myths about Sandtray therapy Busted in 5 weeks- Part 5!!

After prodding along for several weeks, I have finally arrived at my last blog post of this series. I love ...

5 Myths about Sandtray Therapy Busted in 5 Weeks- Part 4!

After a brief hiatus, I am now back on track to complete the series I started about the various myths ...

Five Myths about Sand Tray Therapy Busted in Five Weeks- Part 3!

Here we are, midway into the five week series about my beloved sand tray therapy. To recap, we have learned ...

Five Myths about SandTray Therapy Busted in Five Weeks- Part 2!!

Since I had a very positive response to my first busted myth, I will continue with plugging away at dispelling ...

Five Myths about Sand Tray Work Busted in Five Weeks!

Five Myths about Sand Tray Work Busted in Five Weeks Anyone who knows me and talks to me for more ...

First Blog Post!

Hello all! This is the first of many upcoming blog posts from yours truly. The central topics of this blog ...

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